ニュースリリース massenext

【内村さまぁ~ず SECOND_#327】シーズン5に突入でAmazonプライム・ビデオ最長番組を更新!

「内村さまぁ~ず SECOND」は、毎回ゲストを「司会者」として迎え、出演者である内村光良とさまぁ~ずを相手に、行き当たりばったりなその場まかせの展開で送る「脱力系成り行きバラエティ」。前身である「内村さまぁ~ず」は、インターネット配信ならではの制約の少ない自由な空気感が人気を呼び、インターネット配信後に地上波テレビでも放送されるほか、映画 『内村さまぁ~ず THE MOVIE エンジェル』 も公開、日本の単独バラエティ番組のDVDリリース数でギネス世界記録も保持するほど、多くのファンから支持を集めた番組。2015年に「内村さまぁ~ず SECOND」としてAmazonプライム・ビデオでの配信をスタートしたあとも、変わらぬ魅力で根強い人気を誇り、この度5年目を迎えシーズン5が配信開始となります。


【告知】内村さまぁ〜ず SECOND シーズン5

【 出演者 】

タイトル:「内村さまぁ~ず SECONDシーズン5」
出演者:内村光良 さまぁ~ず



“Uchimura Summers SECOND” enters the new season 5 as the longest-running program on Amazon Prime Video! The latest story will be released starting today, November 4th (Monday)!

“Uchimura Summers SECOND” is a haphazard and happy-go-lucky variety show that welcomes guests to be the MC on every improvised episode together with Teruyoshi Uchimura and Summers. Due to the show’s popularity, it has been awarded with the Guinness World Record as the most DVDs released by a single Japanese style variety show. Even after being released as “Uchimura Summers SECOND” on Amazon Prime Video since 2015, its unchanging comedy has allowed the show to boast continuous popularity, entering its 5th year with season 5.

In today’s first episode, (#327), Red Yoshida and Golgo Matsumoto from TIM make an appearance for the first time in a year and a half. The customary segment “Golgo Matsumoto’s Legend,” introducing Golgo Matsumoto’s recent life updates, comes back with its fifth edition. As Golgo presents his recent hobbies and “special skills” acquired over the last year and a half, Uchimura and Summers are simply left astonished. With Uchimura’s favorite segments as well, the show will enter its 5th season. Look forward to what kind of guests will make an appearance in season 5, and how the stories will unfold!

【Starring 】

Teruyoshi Uchimura, Summers


Title:” Uchimura Summers SECOND Season 5”

Starring:Teruyoshi Uchimura, Summers

Release dates:New episodes every other Monday

Production:Kmax Co., Ltd.

Distribution: massenext Inc.

Production copyrights:©Uchimura Summers Production Committee